
王 阳照





        王阳照教授,福建省高层次人才B类人才、国家项目主持人、台湾大学双博士(国际企业学、财务金融学)。曾于台湾一级学术研究机构“中研院”资讯科学所任职6年,期间被派往美国芝加哥大学做短期访问。现为闽江学院新华都商学院教授、高级经济师(福建省人社厅制发证书)。在学术职务方面,来闽后担任SSCI期刊审稿委员(如Financial Innovation金融创新(JCR 1区)、Research in International Business and Finance国际商业与金融研究(JCR 1区)、World Economy世界经济、Applied Economics应用经济学、International Journal of Finance & Economics国际金融与经济学杂志、International Review of Economics & Finance国际经济与金融评论、Contemporary Economic Policy当代经济政策、Journal of International Trade & Economic Development国际贸易与经济发展杂志、Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies亚太金融研究杂志、Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy亚太经济杂志、Asian Economic Journal亚洲经济杂志等SSCI期刊)、EI与CPCI国际会议委员会委员、福建省金融监督管理局金融工作专家、福建省社会科学规划项目鉴定专家、福建省高校人文社科研究基地研究员、福州市人社局专家库成员。

        在科研课题与论文发表方面,来闽后主持及参与10余项科研项目,包括主持《国家社会科学基金项目》与主持《福建省自然科学基金项目》;并以第一作者或通讯作者发表20余篇国际学术论文,其中,SSCI/SCI/EI收录 14 篇,ISTP/CPCI 2 篇,CSSCI 1 篇,ESCI 1 篇,EconLit 3 篇。在入选人才计划方面,来闽后入选多项人才计划,2021年入选《福建省高层次人才B类人才》(省级高层次人才); 2019年入选《闽江学院2018年度“闽都学者”拔尖人才》;2018年入选《福建省台湾优秀人才来闽创业创新支持对象》(省级人才专项);2015-2017年入选《福建省高校台湾全职教师引进资助计划》(省财政)。在教学与指导学生方面,来闽后指导多名学生通过提升科研经历录取美国哥伦比亚大学(全球排名14)等全球前百大名校的研究生项目。开设双语课程如《企业并购与重组》、《货币金融学》、《证券投资与基金管理》等课程,紧紧围绕创业创新、科研成果及实践应用。教学获福建日报等相关媒体的报导肯定,并多次荣获优秀论文指导教师称号。


台湾大学 财务金融学研究所 博士
台湾大学 国际企业学研究所 博士
清华大学 统计学研究所 硕士










5、SSCI期刊审稿人:Financial Innovation金融创新(JCR 1区)、Research in International Business and Finance国际商业与金融研究(JCR 1区)、World Economy世界经济、Applied Economics应用经济学、International Journal of Finance & Economics国际金融与经济学杂志、International Review of Economics & Finance国际经济与金融评论、Contemporary Economic Policy当代经济政策、Journal of International Trade & Economic Development国际贸易与经济发展杂志、Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies亚太金融研究杂志、Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy亚太经济杂志、Asian Economic Journal亚洲经济杂志等SSCI期刊的Reviewer.

6、EI国际会议委员会委员:2020 2nd International Conference on Applied Machine Learning and Data Science、2020 International Conference on Data Processing Algorithms and Models等EI国际会议的Committee Member.

7、CPCI国际会议委员会委员:The International Conference on Society Science and Economics Development的Committee Member, 2018.





12、教学成果获商务部中国国际贸易学会二等奖(排名第三), 2020.

13、福州市第十一届社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(排名第一), 2023.

14、全国财经大数据处理综合技能大赛团队三等奖优秀指导教师, 2023.

15、年度优秀论文指导教师, 2017, 2018, 2021.

16、证券暨期货金椽奖论文甲等奖, 2014.

17、社团法人台湾会计师公会全台联合会论文奖, 2014.

18、台湾“科技部”2012年人文与社会科学领域论文奖, 2012–2013.

19、财团法人勇源教育发展基金会2011年度论文奖, 2011–2012.

20、台湾大学周玉津教授纪念奖, 2009.



1. The Impacts of RMB Internationalization on Onshore and Offshore RMB Markets. First Author, International Review of Finance, 2023.

2. The Impact of RMB Internationalization on the Exchange Rate Linkages in China and ASEAN Countries. First Author, Applied Economics, 2022.

3. The Impact of Monetary Policy on China's Stock and Bond Markets. First Author, China: An International Journal, 2022. (This article is the only one article in Issue 2 of Volume 20 selected by the journal as open access. We are thankful to China: An International Journal (CIJ) and the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore. The article is accessible at https://muse.jhu.edu/issue/47937)

4. The Impact of RMB Internationalization and International Situations on China's Foreign Exchange Market: Dynamic Linkages between USD/CNY and SDR/CNY. First Author, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2021.

5. What Drives China's 2015 Stock Market Surges and Turmoil. First Author, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 2019.

6. The Impact of Chinese Monetary Policy on Co-movements between Money and Capital Markets. First Author, Applied Economics, 2019.

7. Renminbi Internationalization: Progress and Comparison. First Author, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 2017.

8. The Asymmetry and Volatility of the Chinese Stock Market Caused by the “New National Ten”. Corresponding Author, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2015.

9. How Do Government Policies Impact Dynamic Linkages between China's Stock and Real Estate Markets. Corresponding Author, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 2018.

10. The Influence of Renminbi Internationalization on the Chinese Stock Market, First Author, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2017.

11. Corporate Performance and the Dual Roles of Boards: Firm Characteristics, Governance Regulations, and CEO–Director Relationships. First Author, Journal of Accounting Review, 2019.

12. Policy Impact on the Chinese Stock Market: From the 1994 Bailout Policies to the 2015 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect. First Author, International Journal of Financial Studies, 2017.

13. Price Pressure around Mergers and Acquisitions: Evidence from Shanghai A Shares. Corresponding Author, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2017.

14. The Influence of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect on the Mainland China and Hong Kong Stock Markets. First Author, International Journal of Business and Finance Research, 2016.

15. The Impact of Volatility Index on China's Stock Market. First Author, Journal of Business & Economics, 2014.

16. The Impact of Anti-Corruption Reform on the Chinese Stock Market. Corresponding Author, Empirical Economics Letters, 2016.

17. Monetary Policy Transmission: The Linkages between Repurchase Operations and Market Interest Rates. First Author, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2019.

18. The Impact of Financial Liberalization and Trade Dependence on Stock Market Linkages between China and the US. Corresponding Author, DEStech Transactions on Economics, Business and Management, 2019.

19. Analyzing Motivation and Timing of Chinese Companies for Overseas IPOs. First Author, IEEE, 2020.

20. The Influence of Board Structure on Firm Performance. First Author, Journal of Global Business Management, 2013.

21. Analyzing the Applicability of Social Financing Data as an Intermediate Target of Monetary Policy. Corresponding Author, IEEE, 2020.

22. The Inconsistency of Non-Agency RMBS Credit Ratings. Second Author, Journal of International Management Studies, 2012.

23. Factors Affecting Cross-border RMB Settlement under the Belt and Road Initiative: An Empirical Study Based on Panel Data of 19 Countries (Regions). First Author, JPCS, 2020.

24. Corporate Board as Advisor and Monitor. First Author, Conference on Cross-Strait Banking and Finance (CSBF), Beijing, 2012.

25. Analyzing Trade Data between Fujian Free Trade Zone and Taiwan Based on the Gravity Model. Corresponding Author, JPCS, 2020.

26. Shifts in Rating Standards during the RMBS Market Boom and Bust. Corresponding Author, Conference on Cross-Strait Banking and Finance (CSBF), Beijing, 2012.

27. Expression Evolution in Yeast Genes of Single-Input Modules is Mainly due to Changes in Trans-Acting Factors, Genome Research, 2007.

28. Research on Impulse Response and Variance Decomposition Analysis of Co-integrated Systems. First Author, IOP Publishing, 2021.

29. Waveform Analysis of Impulse Response in Dynamic Interrelationships and Spatial Heterogeneity. Corresponding Author, IEEE, 2021.

30. Data Mining: Application of EGARCH Dynamic Model on the Volatility of High-frequency Exchange Rate Data. First Author, IOP Publishing, 2021.

31. Analyzing Factors Driving Cross-border RMB Settlement based on Panel Data of 65 Countries via Heckman Two-step and Panel Regression Models. First Author, IEEE, 2021.


1. Yang-Chao Wang, 2014, Financial Crisis: Contradictions between RMBS Performance and Investor Expectation, Department of Finance, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

2. Yang-Chao Wang, 2013, Effectiveness of Boards: Outside and Inside Directors, Department of International Business, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.



1. 国家社会科学基金项目,人民币国际化与汇率异常波动研究,主持,在研,2019-2022。

2. 福建省自然科学基金项目,新型货币政策工具对我国资本市场及其联动的影响―基于多元DCC-GARCH的研究,主持,已结题,2017-2020。

3. 福建省自然科学基金项目,人民币国际化对股票市场波动性结构的影响-基于VAR-GARCH族模型的实证研究,主要参加(排名第二),已结题,2016-2019。

4. 福建省自然科学基金项目,政治关联与企业价值——官员独董辞职的长期效应研究,主要参加(排名第二),已结题,2018-2021。

5. 福建省社会科学规划项目,福建自贸区与闽台经济融合发展的路径探索研究,主要参加(排名第二),已结题,2019-2022。

6. 福建省社会科学规划项目,ESG评级分歧对企业融资和会计决策的影响研究,主要参加,在研,2023-2026。

7. 福建省社会科学规划项目,新发展格局下两岸企业ESG发展的机制、路径和政策供给研究,参加,在研,2022-2025。

8. 福建省属高校科研专项,基于VAR-GARCH族模型的中国股票市场波动性结构变化分析,主要参加(排名第二),已结题,2015-2018。

9. 台湾全职教师教育科研专项,人民币国际化与进入国际储备货币体系的改革—基于外汇和股票市场的实证分析,主持,已结题,2017-2018。

10. 福建省教育厅社会科学研究项目,人民币国际化对离岸与在岸外汇市场的影响,主持,已结题,2016-2018。

11. 福建省教育厅社会科学研究重点项目,基于职业年金发展的养老保险并轨研究,参加,已结题,2015-2017。

12. 台湾全职教师教育科研专项,重大政策事件对中国股票市场的冲击效应-剖析股市开放、反腐改革及房市调控,主要参加(排名第二),已结题,2017-2018。

13. 福建省教育厅社会科学研究项目,「沪港通」及「深港通」对中国股票市场间的联动效应,主要参加(排名第二),已结题,2015-2017。




2. 接受《福建日报》专访, 刊登于2014年3月14日六版头条

3. 接受『福建省广播影视集团』旗下『东南广播』专访, 2014年4月2日于官网发布



数据库语言:SQL Server, ASP.NET, MySQL, PHP;编程语言:Visual C++, Visual C#, Borland C++ Builder, Perl;统计计量软件程序设计:R, S-plus, Gauss, SAS, EViews, Stata;数学软件程序设计:Matlab, Maple, Mathematica